Revenue & Finance
Revenue & Finance
The Office of Revenue & Finance is responsible for preparation of the annual budget for Lackawanna County as well as ongoing review of revenues and expenditures in order to determine proper account postings and departmental compliance with the annual budget.

The department provides fiscal analysis for the Lackawanna County Commissioners and oversees the operation of other accounting departments throughout the branches of County governance. In addition, the department acts as a liaison and coordinator with the auditors of the County in their efforts to prepare the annual County audit.

2024 Capital Budget

Administrative Contacts
Mary Jo Granahan, Budget Director
Phone: 570-963-6843 ext 1850
Email: Contact Me
Teresa Marino, Payroll Supervisor
Phone: 570-963-6500
Email: Contact Me
Revenue and Finance Supervisor
Phone: 570-963-6822 ext 1851